On the 12th day of Christmas
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love said to me… wait, well actually its 14 days till Christmas, phew.
That’s right we have 14 days to fit the rest of this years social and professional requirements into it. Eeekkk!
Don’t panic, it’s all going to be ok, it is what it is! And 2021 hasn’t been our smoothest year!
Every year I hope to be more organised but then every year life gets busy again and my Xmas shopping always gets left to the last minute. Am a big fan of Xmas eve shopping!! I know there are people out there that are actually organised and have all their reindeers in a row. Well done, I salute you! Now to everyone else…
What have we got to get done by the 24th December;
Christmas presents,
Christmas cards,
respond to emails,
clean out the house ready for Christmas guests,
weed, mow the lawn,
clean the pool,
fold the washing,
clean the car,
finish the Blogs,
organise your files, pay the rates,
take the kids to the hairdressers,
book the bach,
sell a few houses and
lose 5 kg, it seems the list is endless.
But remember there really is only one thing that needs to be done by the 24th December and that’s to make sure your family, friends and employees/co-workers are doing ok. Make sure they feel supported ready for the break, check in with them, ensure they know they are valued and appreciated. That they too can enjoy Christmas knowing “that it is all good”.
This break is for people not to recharge but to have fun to engage in the festivities to enjoy this time, to relax and have fun.
At Proppy.co.nz we do a weekly check in with our staff via zoom, a weekly round of events every Friday via email and we have a group Whats App chat where we chat and celebrate our success over the year.
However you do it, no matter how simple, inexpensive, or outlandish, sit down and make sure that socially and professionally your people have the resources and the information needed to feel supported physically and emotionally.
With all these rules and requirements, we have had over the last year, we know that communication is the key to having a great Christmas on the 25th December.